Secondary Break Basketball Animation

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Read also: "Transition Offense" and "Press Break".

Use this secondary break to transition quickly up the floor after the opponent scores, or after a rebound or steal. Push the ball up the floor quickly, before the defense can get set. You can even use this as a press breaker if you get it in quickly, before the press has time to get set.

After the opponent scores... (See diagram A)
The keys are: get the ball out of the net quickly and pass inbounds immediately to the point guard (O1), your best ball-handler. O2 and O3 sprint down the sidelines into the forecourt. O1 will either speed dribble the ball up the floor, or make the long pass to O2 or O3. Then there are a number of options as outlined below.

O5 always makes the inbounds pass, and after a made basket, quickly gets the ball out of the net (before it hits the floor), steps out-of-bounds, and passes into O1. Don't waste time and let the defense get their press set. Notice how the floor is spread, with O1 and O2 on the right, and O4 and O3 on the left. O2 and O3 should get down the floor. O4 plays opposite of O1. O5 is the trailer coming down the floor last. O4 will cut to the ball-side block.

O5, the trailer, comes last and goes to the opposite side elbow. There are many options depending on what the point guard finds open.

Secondary break

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