3-2 Hi-Lo Basketball Plays Animation

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In our 3-out, 2-in motion offense , we want our post players working together. Here are a few helpful hi-lo post actions. We start with simple post-post screening motion. We finish with "High-2" and "High-3" which work great against teams that full-front the low post. Also see the "Big Series" hi-lo plays.

Simple Hi-Lo Post Motion

The ball-side post O4 screens for the weakside post O5 (diagram A). If O5 goes low around the screen to the block, then the screener O4 cuts up to the high post area (diagram B). The pass from the wing could go to either O4 or O5. If the pass goes to the high post O4, O4 either shoots or looks inside to O5.

3-2 motion offense hi-lo play 3-2 motion offense hi-lo play 3-2 motion offense hi-lo play

If the cutter O5 cuts to the high post (diagram C), the screener O4 seals and moves to the low block. The pass from the wing could go to either post player. The screener must read the situation correctly. The screener does the opposite of what the cutter does. If the cutter goes low, the screener goes high. If the cutter goes high, the screener goes low.

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